Jan Dijkstra
Software Developer
“I hope ZiuZ will keep surprising me in the future as much as it did in the past. There is always something new. I’m very curious about what we will come up with this year.”
When Jan joined ZiuZ in December 2010, he was a very young developer. “When I started, I would have never expected ZiuZ to become the company it is now. There is no company like ZiuZ. The way we work here is special. It’s very pleasant. That’s why I still work here.”
Jan is very enthusiastic about the sport and the cultural values at ZiuZ. He especially likes the cycling activities and the company outings. He muses about the time ZiuZ organized a helicopter tour for all employees and they had to find their way back as a group. Or when ZiuZ organized an air-balloon experience. “It’s not just about the sport and the activities. It’s also about the values. We have six ZiuZ Values that we embrace, also in our personal life. One of these values, is laughing at least six times a day, and I get to laugh a lot with my team, I really do.”
As one of ZiuZ Medical’s software developers, Jan considers it important to be able to create new things. To think about new products that we could produce in the future. Since Jan joined ZiuZ, he has been involved in the development of four different machines from beginning to end.
“It’s challenging and cool to be part of something like that. I constantly keep developing myself, professionally and personally.”
Jan is a father, husband, and competitive cyclist. “I spend a lot of time with my family. Together with my wife, I watch a lot of sport events, like speed skating competitions and cycling contests.” Jan himself trains for and participates in cycling competitions. In the spare time he has left, he enjoys working on projects such as home automation, light, and solar panels.